Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Blog

There is a new blog on the ATCO Plantation site: ATCO BLOG

Friday, October 16, 2009

Deer Season Excitement

Deer season opens tomorrow morning and my hunting partner and I just can't get excited this year. Don't get me wrong... we are definately going. I guess we will have to kill some big deer to get the blood moving this year.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Playing Possum

Just before daybreak I let Nuska the wonderdog out for her early morning lawn patrol. She started barking and I could hear something that sounded like a galvanized fence stretching. Then the only thing you could hear was Nuska growling. I found a flashlight and wandered out onto the dew covered grass to discover a huge possum. Man did that thing stink! Nuska is a real hunter now, and her trophy was almost her size.

Nuska 1 - Possum 0

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It has been a while since I have gotten a new website off of the ground. Let me tell you that things have really changed. The site is up and running, and everything else is going just fine. We are working on getting the rest of the posted signs up and then the application will be approved.

After approval, I will host some free hunts. Stay tuned! :)

Walter James

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We have a Shiba Inu. Let me tell you.. these dogs are not for everyone. The dog pouts, grunts, whines, complains, and has no shame while doing all of the above at the same time. It has a "shiba scream" that it uses whenever it objects. After a bath, the dog races around like a fox on fire. Some people call this running a "shiba 500." Nuska is one year old. The little dog is a dynamo. I have never seen a small dog run this fast!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Doing your best.

Doing the right thing is difficult at best. When a person identifies a "taker", the first impression is to deny that person anything. However, they are needy for a reason. You mgiht not be able to help them, but you can make a difference. I find that using the word "NO" helps. It stops manipulations.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Posted Signs Everywhere!

Sometimes it is difficult remembering how much work is involved with hunting. It takes a long time placing posted signs around a 465 acre tract of land. Hunting is such a blast!

Hunt Deer?

Hunt Quail?

Hunt Turkey?

Hunt Hog?

Hunt Squirrel?

Hunt Rabbit?

Hunt Duck?

Hunt in South Georgia at ATCO Plantation, Pearson GA.
Walter James